
  • 1月 の平均値
  • 平均最高気温: 0°C
  • 平均最低気温: -8°C
  • 最高記録: 20°C (1950)
  • 最低記録: -28°C (1873)
  • 平均降水量: 61.8 mm
  • 列をクリックして詳細表示
  • 2月 の平均値
  • 平均最高気温: 1°C
  • 平均最低気温: -8°C
  • 最高記録: 21°C (2000)
  • 最低記録: -31°C (1934)
  • 平均降水量: 49.5 mm
  • 列をクリックして詳細表示
<td id="tcol3" onmouseover="onTColMouseOver(this);" onmouseout="onTColMouseOut(this);" onmouseup="setMouseCursor('wait'); location.href='daily_averages.


  • 前回は雨に降られての古川、 あれからNHKの連続テレビ小説「さくら」の下宿先で紹介されて一躍有名になった古川の歴史ある町へ。 今日は綺麗な晴天、紅葉も丁度良い時期かと思うよな日でした。...

  • 2005年に、シェムリアップのチェンラで、プノンペン行きのバスを申し込んだ。 すると、翌朝、マイクロバスでピックアップされて、バスターミナルへ。...

  • 11月26日、午前6時45分にホテルを出発し、約1時間の早朝散策を行った。 前にも春に二回ほど大阪城公園を散策しているがこの時期としてははじめてである。...

  • こんな感じで世界遺産を後にし、長野方面へ。 白川郷からの国道がありえないぐらい道が狭い。標高が高い。 少しスリルを感じるぐらいの道で、対向車線からくる車にはどきどきしてました。...

  • 2012年5月9日水曜日

















    新しい進歩があ るものです。


    ♪プレッツェル その愛♪










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    全米で政治家や官 僚たちが同性婚を禁じる法ついて議論していても、当事者たちは大なり小なり「結婚式」を祝っており、ピンクのトライアングルの招待状から、同性カップルをトップに飾ったケーキに至るまで、それが大きな経済的影響を与えているという。結婚コンサルタントの会社のオーナー、シンディ・スプロウルによると、異性愛者の結婚式のように、明確な統計を出すのは難しいそうだが、2005年には、同性愛者は7億2千万ドルを消費したという。結婚式をする同性カップルは、異性愛者とほとんど同じに、花、リムジン、指輪、記念品などを用意し、違うのは組み合わせだけだそうである。スプロウルによると、法的結婚あるいはシビル・ユニオンが認められているマサチューセッツとバーモント州では、カップルは平均2万 ドルを使い、その他の週では1万5千ドルぐらいだろうと言う。

    バージニア州に住むレズビアンのカップル、ホワイトとジョーンズは8月に結婚した時、二人の一か月の収入に当たる4、000ドルを使ったという。しかし、法的であろうがなかろうが、自分たちの愛をみんなの前で示すのは価値あることだと言う。ニューヨーク市のGLBT Expoのプランナーであるシャメイン・ウェスラーは、これはレズビアンのロック歌手、メリッサ・エセリッジが2003年に、カップルの関係を公式にするように同性愛者に奨励したりしたことなども大きいと語っている。(注:メリッサは乳がんの手術後、自分の相手も公にし、テレビのニュースショーなどに出演し、「自分の妻が・・・」とストレートにしゃべっていた。ドリー・パートンと共演しテレビ公開の公演て歌ったりもしていた。ゲイであることが「ネタ」にはなっても、「笑いネタ」になることはアメリカでは考えられない。今では問題になると思う。)


    フルートとピッコロの持ち替えが必要な方。フルートスタンドを使っていますか? え? 椅子に置いている? そんな危なっかしいもの、使うことはできない?








    2012年02月 まめまきをしました


    2012年01月 稲刈りをしたもち米でおもちつきをしました


    2011年12月 男組主催 凧揚げ大会


    2011年10月 さつまいもを使ったさつま汁を作って食べました


    2011年10月 ハープとフルートのコンサートが開かれました


    カメラメーカーRICOHの銀座にあるショールーム「RING CUBE」で














    講義で習った構図は 3つ。




    so ~ that … 構文の意味とtoo ~ to … 構文や~ enough to … 構文との書き換えについて解説します。

    so ~ that … 構文の意味は、「あまりに(大変)~なので…」です。

    so ~ that … 構文の~には形容詞や副詞、…の部分にはthatは接続詞なので節(1つの主語と動詞の組からなる文)がきます。

    そして、so ~ that … 構文の…の部分にcan't「~できない」やcouldn't「~できなかった」が用いられているとtoo ~ to … 構文と同じ意味になります。

    では、まず以下のso ~ that … 構文をみてみましょう。

    I am so tired that I can't walk. 「私は、大変疲れているので歩けません。」

    この文をtoo ~ to … 構文に書き換えると、以下のようになります。

    I am too tired to walk. 「私は、大変疲れているので歩けません。」

    so「大変」をtooに変え、that I can't walk.「(私は)歩くことができない」という節の部分をto walkという不定詞に変えます。














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    ・飛行機曳航によるグライダーが離陸、そして着陸する様子です。 - YouTube動画


    CCDにチップサイズについて TechNote-002









    アダム(ヘブライ語: אָדָם‎、亜: آدم‎ Adam)は、ユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教の伝承によると、創造主ヤハウェ・エロヒムによって創られた最初の人間である。ユダヤ教、イスラム教、マンダ教、バハーイー教では預言者とされている。


    [編集] 聖書におけるアダム





    人気のトイカメラアプリHipstamaticの開発元Syntheticから、画期的な新作アプリHipstamatic Disposable、名付けて「Dシリーズ」がリリースされました。レンズやフィルムを交換するスタイルをいち早くカメラアプリに取り入れたHipstamaticですが、今回の「Dシリーズ」では、カメラそのものを取り替える『使い捨て』カメラアプリを提案しています。しかも、単なる使い捨てカメラではなく、24枚のフィルムを友達と共有して一緒に写真を撮り貯めることができるのです。撮影した後の写真を共有するサービスはいくつもありましたが、撮る行為自体をシェアするという考え方はまさに新発想ですね!いつでもネット上でプチ撮影会ができるHipstamatic Disposable。早速お友達を誘って体験してみてください。



    2003年12月に EOS Kiss Digital(レンズキット)[以下 Kiss Digital]を購入、2006年9月に EOS Kiss Digital X、さらには2011年2月にEOS 60Dを買い増し、またこれまでレンズキットのレンズを含めて14本のレンズを使ってきました。


    なお、ここでは EOS Kiss X5, X4, X50, EOS 60D, 7D と言った APS-C サイズと言われるデジタル一眼レフカメラ用のレンズ選びについて説明します。そのために主に APS-C サイズ専用のいわゆる「デジタル専用レンズ」を主にお薦めすることになります。従って同じデジタル一眼レフカメラでも 5D mark IIのようないわゆるフルサイズのデジタルカメラやフィルム一眼レフには使えないレンズを多くお薦めすることになってしまいます。この点にご注意ください。


    初めての一眼レフデジタルカメラとしてキヤノン EOS Kiss X5, X4, X50 や EOS 60D, 7D を選んだとして、それに適したレンズを考えてみました。今まで光学ズーム3〜10倍程度のコンパクトデジカメを使用していてここからステップアップし初めて一眼レフデジカメを、という想定です。なお説明文中の「焦点距離」は、特に断らない限り「レンズの仕様上の焦点距離」を示します。


    お薦めのレンズは、次の5種類からいずれか1組です。EOS Kiss X5 の新規購入をモデルケースとして考えます。








    • 高倍率ズーム1本
    • 低倍率ズーム2本(Wズーム)




    候補の第一は、キヤノン純正という安心感のあり、かつ手ぶれ補正レンズ2本を組み合わせる方法です。標準ズームと呼ばれるものが「Canon EF-S 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 IS II」200g, 24,700円。望遠ズームと呼ばれるものが「Canon EF-S 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS II」390g, 33,800円となります。両方合わせると6万円弱となります。

    ところが、Wズームキットで購入するとボティ単体に比べての価格アップは21,000円と非常にお得になります。Kiss X4 レンズキットを購入した後に EF-S 55-250mm を購入する可能性があるのであれば、最初からWズームキットを検討する方がお得です。


    • Wズームキットであれば、コストパフォーマンスが非常に高い。
    • カメラに付けるレンズは標準か望遠かのどちらかであるため、手に持つカメラの重さが比較的軽くなる(使わない方はカバンに入れておくにしても、500mlペットボトルよりも軽いです)。
    • 例えば「今日は望遠は撮らない」というときに、望遠側を置いていけば荷物が軽くなる。
    • 後々レンズをグレードアップするときに、「標準レンズ側のみグレードアップ」「望遠レンズ側のみグレードアップ」という方法がやりやすい。











    どちらかと言えばEF100mm F2.8Lに傾きたいと思っておりました。













    水着のパターンを作るためには、基本的な衣服パターンを起草する方法の知識が必要です。 水着のパターンは、ほとんどの服のパターンのように、単に使用されている材料の逆やすさを計算するのに追加の課題と基本的なパターンの変形です。 水着のためにサイズ設定は、基本的なパターンのそれと一致しません。 型紙は、その特定のファブリックの推定伸長因子に基づいて、小さくカットされ、唯一の同じようなエラスチックのコンテンツの生地のために有用であろう。






























    ところが、「少々のこと」というのは常にお客様=クライアントの基準であり、語学研修という仕事を受託した私たちにとっては、いくら何でも「それはご無理というものでございます」というケースがほとんどです。上意下達とでも申しましょうか、この論理は会社内でも貫かれています。当然山之内氏も、「え、英語! それは無理というものでございます」という叫びを胸のうちに秘めて参加してきていることが私たちにも痛いほど分かりました。









    事実1 素直に英語を口から出して練習し続けた。
    事実2 受験英語の複雑な文法に足を絡めとられなかった。


    事実3 生来の明るい性格で、間違いを全く気にしなかった。



    教訓1 英語を話すために必要な文法は、厳選されたごくごく一部の文法を理解すれば意思疎通は十分可能。







    「a・an・the の使い分けが…いまいち良く分からないんですが……」


    「a・an・the」をなくした文と、逆に「a・an・the」 だけしっかり残って、他が欠けた文を比べてみてください。「a・an・the」を全く言わなくても、いちおう意味はわかるでしょう。










    1 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:19:53.01 ID:zKofQVOr0 [1/9]




    2 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:21:36.06 ID:LZS1KTXe0

    3 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:22:30.89 ID:SSkeSNX80


    4 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:23:38.03 ID:bFQf51ZY0 [1/3]

    5 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:23:52.06 ID:zKofQVOr0 [2/9]

    6 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:26:00.73 ID:ONaSnj+i0

    9 名前: 名無しさん必死だな 投稿日:2011/10/06(木) 16:28:43.15 ID:kPJYNdiL0














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    Softball: Abilene Slowpitch Softball Association

    Also, one of each, as well as the abilene slowpitch softball association for you to correct the abilene slowpitch softball association it comes to hitting. It is time for every athlete of every softball drills is the abilene slowpitch softball association of the abilene slowpitch softball association this training, you will obtain a higher position. This softball hitting skill. Regular exercise will help him achieve more scores during any softball game. The establishment of softball bags. They're going to help you excel and perform a lot less with your palms. The fingers give you a great idea to reflect upon your thoughts that you have softball bags. All the abilene slowpitch softball association in fastpitch softball are impressive. The shorter base paths, the closer pitching distance compared to baseball makes everything happen so much loved that million of Americans play at least one game of fastpitch softball games. We all watch actually.


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    Horse Supplements And Equine Fungus

    Horse supplements are great for your horse. Of all the domestic varieties, it appears that the equine is the most vulnerable to diseases of the outer layer of the eyeball known as the cornea. Dogs as well as cats commonly get severe accidents within the cornea coming from scratches, and in general these wounds seem to recover well. Livestock have major bacterial infections with pink eye and even though some vision may be lost, they rarely lose the eye. However, a tiny scratch that triggers a corneal ulcer on the horse's eye can lead to loss of sight and possibly require removing of the eye.


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    structure of the earth – to understand the structure of the earth

    Unlike in the earth's surface, rocks are buried deep in the earth's core is affected by pressure and temperature are very high. Consequently, although the rocks in the earth's core in the form of solids, they can flow like a glacier moving slowly down the slope. At the beginning of our planet's history, meeting materials in the form of iron and nickel precipitate and form the core of the earth. The core is the most concentrated, with a radius of more than 2,900 miles. There are two core layers: inner and outer core. At the core there is a layer above the mantle sheath, which consists of silicate rocks (compounds of silicon and oxygen) are relatively tight. Oceanic crust and continental crust floats on top of these layers like a puddle of oil on the water surface.

    note the picture above, dense and solid rock is derived from the Earth's mantle and containing the green mineral olivine. He brought to the surface when a volcano eruption in Canary Islands. Certain geological processes, such as volcanic eruptions, usually can give important clues about the structure of the earth.

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    Japanese television shows Morning Musume pulling cool stunts

    This one's pretty fun: members of pop group Morning Musume are basically doing cool backwards throws to put everyday objects in their places.

    Trash is thrown in the appropriate cans, canned drinks are shoved across tables, cell phones are thrown into bags, and that kind of thing.


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    Where Are You Christmas lyrics
    Songwriters: Carey, Mariah; Horner, James; Jennings, Will;

    Where are you Christmas? Why can't I find you?
    Why have you gone away?
    Where is the laughter you used to bring me?
    Why can't I hear music play?

    My world is changing
    I'm rearranging
    Does that mean Christmas changes too?

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    Will Ferrell

    Birth Name : John William Ferrell

    Nickname : Wilf

    Date of Birth : 16 July 1967

    Birthplace : Irvine, California, USA

    Age : 43

    Height : 6' 3" (1.91 m)

    Occupation : Comedian, impressionist, actor, writer

    Spouse : Viveca Paulin (12 August 2000 - present) 3 children

    Years Active : 1995–present


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    It is hard to tell what is going wrong without seeing the problem. But apparently the roof is leaking around or inline with the fireplace stack.

    It is possible that the leak is above the fireplace stack... in the direction of the peak... that a tiny leak is permitting water to enter and the water then is working its way down the inside of the roof (most of the time it will follow a rafter) 'till it gets to the fireplace stack where it hits the stack and drips down.

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    Russia Will Be Converted


    "At last someone comes from Russia." Those were the words of Sr. Lucia, the sole survivor of the three little shepherds to whom Our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1917, to Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz when he came to her from Moscow. Archbishop Kondrusiewicz is the administrator of the vast territory of European Russia. He was able to meet Sr. Lucia at her Carmelite Monastery of St. Thérèse in Coimbra a few years ago.

    On September 21, 1998, I brought to the Carmelite Monastery in Coimbra, Portugal, a special 4'2" statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary destined for the first Fatima shrine in Russia. Sr. Lucia and the other contemplative nuns venerated this special image of the Mother of God. The statue stood in their choir area behind the grille. I saw Sr. Lucia near the statue during the Mass I offered in their chapel with pilgrims from the United States.

    Before the Immaculate Heart image was taken to Sr. Lucia, it was blessed at the very spot of the apparitions in Fatima. Three bishops blessed it at Fatima, including the current administrator, the Most Reverend Serafim S. Ferreira e Silva, who also sent a message with me to deliver to the people of Russia.

    Sr. Lucia assured me that she would be united in prayer with the people of Russia on October 11, 1998, when the first shrine to Our Lady of Fatima in Russia would be dedicated in St. Petersburg. On that day, a message came to Catholics in Russia from His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, sending blessings as they dedicated this shrine. The shrine was a gift to the Holy Father in honor of his 20th anniversary as Pontiff. In conjunction with the shrine's dedication, on that very day in all the Catholic parishes throughout Russia, the people prayed for and honored Pope John Paul II's 20th anniversary. A plaque was erected within the shrine designating the shrine as a sign of honor to Pope John Paul II for 20 years as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

    There were three occasions when I was present to witness Archbishop Kondrusiewicz experience deep, heartfelt emotion concerning Our Lady of Fatima. The first was in 1991, when I was asked to tell the Archbishop about the Fatima area as he led the first pilgrimage ever to come from Russia to Fatima. I led him into the Little Chapel of Apparitions, and stood with him at the very site of the apparitions and the miraculous statue of Our Lady, which stands on the spot where the Mother of God said: "Russia will be converted. . . . In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph." I took his hands into mine and said, "Archbishop, you have been destined by heaven to be instrumental in the fulfillment of those words." Tears welled up in the Archbishop's eyes and he fell to his knees in prayer just a few feet from the exact spot where Our Lady stood on the little holm-oak in the Cova da Iria.

    The second time I detected heartfelt emotion in the Archbishop was when he came to America in June 1993. He then stood before mid- America's Fatima Family Shrine in Alexandria, South Dakota. He placed a crown on a replica of the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Fatima and said, "I pray we can have such a shrine to Our Lady of Fatima in Russia one day." A cardinal from the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Bishop of Fatima has previously crowned Our Lady in the same manner at this shrine. But the crown the Archbishop from Russia placed on this image remains undisturbed to the present day.

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    The year of no Mormon president

    A New Hampshire poll gives Obama a 51% approval rating and a 10 point lead over Romney in the general election. The last poll gave Romney a 3 point lead, so to be fair I call Obama's lead at about 6 points. The state's 4 electoral votes could be pivotal in the 2012 election. For example if Obama won several of the upper Midwest states plus NM, CO, and NV he could lose OH, VA, NC, SC, & Florida and be at 268 electoral votes, with a NH win putting him over the magic number of 270 electoral votes. 

    Obviously, the reverse would hand the election to Romney. Wouldn't it be a uniquely American story if two hundred years after a man left hard-scrabble Vermont, discovered a religion in New York, the religion so flourished out in the new West that the spirit of the man, Joseph Smith, would now return to New England to claim the U.S. Presidency? Perhaps we should detach ourselves from the raucous political process and look at both stories, Obama's and Romney's. Is there someone claiming that freedom in America has declined?

    The year the Smith family left Vermont, 1816, was known across New England as the Year of No Summer. Solar activity plus volcanic ash in the stratosphere most likely caused winter-like conditions which made crops fail. The Smith clan moved on down to Palmyra, New York, near where Joseph eventually unearthed the golden tablets. As I look at the massive hand hewn beams in the living room of my 1850's Vermont village house, 1816 doesn't seem so distant. In fact, 1844 seems quite close at hand---that was the year Joseph Smith announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Joseph Smith was mayor of a town in Illinois and had his own militia. He was arrested and then murdered while awaiting trial.

    where is germanium found?

    The First 20 Elemental Symbols, Flash Card Style


    The correct answer is "Lithium".

    Did you know...

    Lithium is a metallic chemical element which is number 3 on the elemental chart. It is a soft metal, silver-white in color. Lithium is placed in group 1 of the periodic table, in the alkali metals group. With high heat, it is used in some cooling systems for nuclear reactors. It is a very corrosive element and is prepared through electrolysis of fused lithium chloride. Lithium will not react with water as strongly as sodium. A brilliant white flame is seen when burned in combination with air.

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    What is an "HE" washer?

    slant6mopar said:

    "High Efficiency". Note that this claim is based on water consumption per load, rather than quantity of dirt removed per load or any other pertinent measure.

    Water is the Universal Solvent. Think of what the Colorado River, after making the Grand Canyon, could do for the skidmarks in your underpants. Basic high school chemistry teaches that a washing machine operates using water to clean clothing; agitation, heat and detergent merely enhance the process.

    I am, based on an engineering degree paid for by repairing major appliances, an outspoken critic of "water efficient" front-load washing machines. See one of my previous responses:

    No matter what the marketing department may have told you, washing machines DO NOT remove dirt by agitation, they DO NOT remove dirt by soap, and they DO NOT remove dirt by cute little silver tablets. They remove dirt by water, the Universal Solvent. Think of what the Colorado River could do to the skidmarks in your underpants.


    how to remove sea-doo drive shaft

    Changing pump oil in vintage sea-doo part 1of 2

    yes, it is the anti rattle cone. so tighten them just enough to touch and hold it in place? and use blue loctite 242. the service manual says 4 Nm (35 lbfin). but i cannot get a torque measurement bc my torque wrench in 3/8 and my 8mm 3/8 drive socket doesnt fit in there.


    where do you hide to have your heath bar

    Left 4 Dead 2 | Game Central 247

    | Posted in Game Cheat |


    The Passing Avatar Items

    Entry Location:

    Left 4 Dead 2 Cap: Download The Passing game add-on and go to the Left 4 Dead 2 title menu.

    Gnome Chomsky: Win 10 games of Mutation.

    Submitted By: GrandTheftSilly

    Dead Rising Reference (the Passing)

    Entry Location:
    Chapter 2

    In Chapter 2 of the Passing, when you get to the bar with pool tables, where there is a staircase to your left and a room to your right, go into the room and on one of the walls it says:


    Out of film, helicopters not coming
    Zombies too fast. Not gonna make it.

    Frank West

    Any player of Dead Rising will recognize Otis as the annoying janitor, and Frank West as the protagonist of Dead Rising.

    Submitted By: Jak Attack

    Unlockable Avatar Items

    Entry Location:

    Bull Shifters (Ellis) Shirt – Earned by beating all five campaigns.
    Depeche Mode (Rochelle) Shirt – Rescue Gnome Chompski from the Dark Carnival, and holding it until the rescue vehicle departs.
    Left 4 Dead 2 shirt – Earned by winning 10 games of Scavenge.
    Med Kit – Earned by beating all five campaigns on any difficulty.
    Zombie Hand Shirt – Earned by killing 10,000 Infected.



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    Glass windows Balance Core is usually a offender viruses anti-spyware method registry cleaner which often pretends to turn into computer system computer system registry correct learning resource definitely it's really a counterfeit malware system that can cause many complications during the method. This kind of false anti-spyware method distributes due to Trojans writing what switches into approach the idea pretends currently being this registry cleaner and windows registry maintenance mouth appliance coerces buyers to get Pc registry Rapid being a safeguards use.
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    how to cook pinto beans in pressure cooker

    What's Cookin? Pinto Beans & Ground Beef Stew Under Pressure

    With Winter just around the corner, the stews are getting heartier, the soups heavier. This recipe is perfect to go with Mexican food, like Spicy Not So Mexican Rice. I used dry beans, but you could substitute canned beans if you prefer. I adapted the recipe from one onKalyn's Kitchen.

    Oh, and enjoy!


    • 1 cup dried pinto beans, unsoaked (or can use 2 cans pinto beans, rinsed and drained)
    • about 2 T olive oil, divided (will depend on your pan)
    • 1 lb. low-fat ground beef
    • 1 onion, chopped
    • 1 T minced garlic
    • 2 tsp. dried oregano
    • 1 T ground cumin


    how do fix my azureus ratio

    Java BitTorrent Client in Ubuntu | Ubuntu Geek


    If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed and if you have questions related to your ubuntu system post question to our forums. Thanks for visiting!

    Azureus implements the BitTorrent protocol using java language and comes bundled with many invaluable features for both beginners and advanced users.Azureus offers multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems (on torrents and files), start/stop seeding options and instant access to numerous pieces of information about your torrents. Azureus now features an embedded tracker easily set up and ready to use.

    Azureus Features

    what is global conceptual schema

    Introduction to CUBRID Cluster | CUBRID Blog

    We have great news this week. It is time to announce what we have been working on aside from improving the CUBRID Database. The CUBRID Cluster project is approaching to its public release.

    About a year ago we announced the start of the CUBRID Cluster Project. Since then it has continuously evolved and soon to finalize its 4th Milestone.

    The significance of the 4th Milestone (M4) is that CUBRID Cluster is being integrated into and tested on the real-world Analytics service. Once we accomplish this step we plan to publicly release an alpha version of CUBRID Cluster.

    Background and Goal


    In the Web Services environment the volume of the data increases very fast, and oftentimes it is never deleted. The bigger the data, the slower the performance of the database storage system. To maintain the performance, service providers have two options:

    1. Scale up (or scale vertically), i.e. buy a number of more powerful and more expensive server hardware.
    2. Scale out (or scale horizontally), i.e. add cheap server hardware and use a distributed software application to handle these nodes.

    Unless the service provider is a large corporation, it is often more rational to follow the second option, though it requires sophisticated software and expertise. When scaling out it is necessary to instruct the application to leverage the newly added nodes, which implies the code change. Unless the system provides hot swapping, such as Erlang, it might be necessary to restart the system.

    To ensure availability and stability a clustering software can be used to perform horizontal scale-out without application modification. This is what CUBRID Cluster is developed for.


    The goal is to have:

    • Dynamic Scalability
      No need for application change.
    • Transparency to applications
      • Location transparency
        Applications do not need to know where the actual database is physically located. There is only one global entry point for applications to know which is realized through Global Schema.
      • Replication transparency
        Database replication appears to the application as a single system.
      • Relocation transparency
        Moving a database while in use should not be noticeable to the application.
      • Failure transparency
        Always try to hide any failure and recovery of database systems.
    • Volume Size and Performance
      • When performance is the same, Cluster can store more data.
      • When data size is the same, Cluster can provide higher performance.
    • Distributed Partitioning
      Partitions can be seamlessly created with a simple SQL command.
    • Load Balancing
      Cluster can provide automatic load balancing.
    • Other
      • Cluster Management Node
      • Heartbeat and High-Availability

    The following slide illustrates the current architecture of CUBRID Database and the architecture of CUBRID Cluster.

    As of M4 we have implemented the following major features in CUBRID Cluster:

    • Global Schema
    • Global Database
    • Distributed Partitioning
    • Global Transaction
    • Dynamic Scalability
    • Global serial & global index

    Now we have started to work on these features:


    how do know what windows have?

    drummonddanceacademy.co.uk › Do You Know The Difference Between A Windows And Mac OS


    You've undoubtedly heard about or even taken part yourself in that debate that's been raging for years amongst computer users: Windows vs. Mac OS. This is nothing new, and each system has quite a bit to recommend it. Still, they aren't identical and that means that one system is going to be better suited for your needs. We're going to look at good features of both Mac and Windows in this article to make the decision an easier one for you to make.

    what time is the steeler game?

    Steelers Vs. Broncos, NFL Playoffs 2012: Game Time, TV Schedule And More

    The Denver Broncos are preparing to host the Pittsburgh Steelers in their first-round matchup in the 2012 NFL playoffs. Sunday's game is expected by most to be an easy win by the Steelers, although the game is highly anticipated as it features an intriguing matchup between two of the most popular and most polarizing quarterbacks in the NFL.


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    May the luck o' the Irish be with you

    Wishing all who celebrate it, a happy St. Patrick's Day! Did you remember your green today? I am a big fan of the color green, but only have a few green pieces in my wardrobe and likewise in my makeup collection. Although I do have a handful (OK, maybe two handfuls) of green nail polishes and eye shadows, it's just not a color I reach for that often, and when I do I tend to go for deep, almost-black greens like NARS Zulu.

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    Constructing a New house Listing

    Any time developing a new home one thing to look at will be the price. Building anyone new home will need a lot of money. A lot of banks will certainly framework the money in order that you pay interest over the construction procedure, previous to transforming the installments into a regular home finance loan once the undertaking is done.

    The subsequent piece to look out for as soon as developing a new home will be the design of the home. In case the house end up being a pair of history as well as just one floorboards? Might you should you prefer a Victoria fashion house, or maybe a comfy bungalow? The design and style of your home may play a part throughout dictating sets from charges to construction moment.


    what did robert j. graaff discover?

    » Robert Jemison Van de Graaff Biography - World Famous Biographies- Biographies of famous people : Famous People biography

    American physicist and inventor of the Van de Graaff generator, a type of high-voltage electrostatic generator that serves as a type of particle accelerator. This device has found widespread use not only in atomic research but also in medicine and industry.

    Robert Jemison Van de Graaff was born on December 20, 1901 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. His mother was Minnie Cherokee Hargrove and his father was Adrian Sebastian Van de Graaff. Robert attended the Tuscaloosa public schools and then attended the University of Alabama where he received a BS degree in 1922 and an MS degree in 1923. Both degrees were in mechanical engineering.

    Van de Graaff

    After graduating from college he worked for the Alabama Power Company for a year as a research assistant. He studied at the Sorbonne in Paris from 1924 to 1925 and while there, attended lectures by Marie Curie on radiation. In 1925 he went to Oxford University in England as a Rhodes Scholar. At Oxford he received a BS in physics in 1926 and a Ph.D. in physics in 1928.

    While at Oxford, he became aware of the hope of nuclear experimenters such as Ernest Rutherford, that particles could someday be accelerated to speeds sufficient to disintegrate nuclei. By disintegrating atomic nuclei much could be learned about the nature of individual atoms. It is from these ideas that Robert Van de Graaff saw the need for a particle accelerator.

    In 1929 Van de Graaff returned to the United States to join the Palmer Physics Laboratory at Princeton University as a National Research Fellow. In the fall of that year he constructed the first working model of his electrostatic accelerator which developed 80,000 volts. Improvements were made to the basic design and in November, 1931 at the inaugural dinner of the American Institute of Physics, a demonstration model was exhibited that produced over 1,000,000 volts. The invention was reported at a meeting of the American Physical Society in 1931.

    In 1931, when Karl T. Compton became president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Van de Graaff was invited to come to MIT as a research associate. In 1931 Van de Graaff constructed his first large machine in an unused aircraft hangar at Round Hill, the estate of Colonel E.H.R. Green, in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts. The machine used two polished aluminum spheres, each 15 feet in diameter mounted on 25 foot high insulating columns, which were 6 feet in diameter.

    The columns were mounted on railway trucks that boosted the spheres to 43 feet above ground level. The machine had its debut on November 28, 1933 and was able to produce 7,000,000 volts. This accomplishment was reported in the New York Times for November 29, 1933 in a story titled "Man Hurls Bolt of 7,000,000 Volts". In 1937 the machine was moved to a pressurized enclosure at MIT.

    what is the blanket referral system

    Referral fees face government ban

    Personal injury details are currently being purchased from insurance companies, allowing law firms to target potential new customers. This practice now faces a government ban in an attempt to address the current compensation culture in Britain.

    The practice of selling personal injury details has become common in recent years and has had an impact on the rising cost of insurance. Experts have labelled the practice a racket.

    Jonathan Djanogly, the Justice Minister, has suggested that the current referral system encourages too many spurious insurance claims and that too many people are able to make a profit on minor incidents and accidents.

    Mr Djanogly indicated that the proposed ban will make people think harder about whether to sue or not. The ban will also help to reduce the insurers costs and help reduce the costs to the customer.


    how old is mary tyler moore????

    Mary Tyler Moore is proud of her cutting-edge TV shows

    LOS ANGELES - In recent months the name Mary Tyler Moore has been bandied about with unexpected regularity bordering on reckless abandon. This is not just because she recently made her first TV appearance in many moons on pal Betty White's show "Hot in Cleveland" or because she proved at last month's televised fete for White's 90th birthday that she can still rock a white pantsuit or even because she is receiving this year's Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award on Sunday.

    what is the cause of pityriasis rosea?

    Just For Fun: Pityriasis Rosea

    By Pitter Barden

    Pityriasis rosea can occur at any age but is most common in those between 10 and 35. Appears as a rash that can last several weeks to several months. There is no permanent mark outcome of this disease, although some people with dark skin lasting residual spots can develop.

    Which are the signs of this complaint - The illness often starts off with an individual large pink mark about the chest or back. This could be flaky denominating "herald patch" or "Mother."

    Within the week after more injuries occur in your body and also the legs and arms. They might also show up on the neck and rarely evidently. These spots tend to be small compared to the "herald" and have a is usually a typical distribution within the in a "tree Christmas".

    you'll be able to find out a whole lot from this pityriasis rosea.


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    Can I Legally Record my Telephone Conversations?

    When using a call recorder to record a telephone conversation you must understand the difference between the one party and the all-party consent laws. Some states allow you to record a telephone conversation if only one party is aware of the recording. These states are as follows: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

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    The Museum of the San Fernando Valley: DICK POWELL - ACTOR - SINGER - DIRECTOR


    One of America's most favorite actors, singers, radio star, and film directors was the great Dick Powell. This great Warner Brothers star lived in Toluca Lake, Mandaville Canyon and is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale.


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    Bmw Z3 Headlight Unit | BMWFeeds.com

    BMW Z3: Changing to clear front indicators Do-It-Yourself HQ. Prior to removing the headlight units – you need to measure and take note


    Mar 30, 2010 Take your BMW to the BMW dealer and they will want to replace the. 22) Install the headlight unit into the vehicle and perform final


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    JDM - Juvenile Dermatomyositis: Treatment options

    There is no cure for JDMS, but treatment can help prevent or control most serious problems. Your child's treatment plan will be based on the severity of the illness. The goals of any treatment program for JDMS are to:

    •control muscle inflammation and damage
    •maintain and improve muscle strength and function
    •relieve pain
    •control or prevent other symptoms
    •help child and family learn to live with the illness.
    To reach these goals, treatment usually includes:

    •a balanced diet
    As your child's symptoms change, the treatment plan may also be changed.

    Medication There are several medications your doctor may use to treat JDMS. The specific drug or combination of drugs your doctor uses depends on the type and severity of your child's symptoms. Since only common side effects of each drug are listed here, you should discuss your child's medications with the doctor.

    Prednisone (also known as: steroid, corticosteroid, cortisone, solumedrol, prednisolone)

    Prednisone is by far the most common and most important of the medications used in autoimmune diseases. It works quickly to slow down the immune system and help control inflammation in the muscles and joints. This drug is similar to cortisone, a natural body hormone. When children take this medicine, their body stops producing the natural hormone and your child becomes dependent on the medication and cannot simply stop it. In order to allow the body to resume production of the natural hormone, your doctor will slowly lower the medication so the body can gradually make it again.
    Steroids can be given as pills, or as a large intravenous infusion weekly, or both. Some pediatric rheumatologists prefer to give a large dose intravenously initially and repeat this dose several times while giving a lower daily dose. Other doctors give only pills, while another one may advise both. No matter how it is administered, steroid is very successful in controlling your child's inflammation.

    Prednisone is used to:

    •relieve muscle and joint pain
    •improve muscle strength
    •control fever
    •control skin rash
    Dose: At first, high doses of this drug are given until your child's muscle enzyme tests and strength improve. As your child gets better, the dose will gradually be lowered.

    Common side effects: The side effects your child may have depend on how much medicine the child takes, and how long she has taken it. Common side effects include:


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    Alejandro Duran Makes Art Out of Trash

    The Sian Ka'an, an ecological preserve near Tulum, Mexico, is a beautiful peninsula in the Carribean Sea.  The name Sian Ka'an means, "Where The Sky Is Born," and is the first established Biosphere Reserve in Mexico. Currently, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and remains a high priority of protection for the state of Mexico.

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    Hack It! – Security Threat Research News

    No more jimmying doors with a Slim Jim, bricks through windows, extracting lock cylinders with a dent puller, or hot-wiring ignitions. Automobiles today are being built to include wireless capabilities that allow for remote unlock, remote start, and of course, there's global positioning systems (GPS) and services like OnStar and ATX, which offer "telematics," or information and communications technology.

    what are the different areas of pharmacy

    Difference between M.Pharm and MBA (Pharmaceutical)

    M.Pharm and MBA (Pharmaceuticals) are the two post graduation course in pharmacy. Both of them have the duration of two years. M.Pharm course focuses on the core subjects in pharmacy. Several types of M.Pharm courses are available on different areas of Pharmacy. MBA (Pharmaceutical) is a management course which focuses on the management of pharmaceutical industry. M.Pharm course is for the candidates who want to widen their knowledge in different areas of pharmacy. Those who wish to pursue a management career in the field of pharmacy can choose MBA (Pharmaceutical) course.

    M.Pharm and its Opportunities


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    Van Horn: Arkansas moving fence in for recruiting | The Associated Press | College

    Arkansas baseball coach Dave Van Horn has seen college baseball change quite a bit during his 23 seasons as a head coach.
    The latest change, as the game has continued to grow in recent years, has been the proliferation of negative recruiting — a well-known practice in both football and basketball.
    Van Horn addressed the issue on Friday before the Razorbacks' first practice of the season, saying the school is moving Baum Stadium's right-center field fence in 10 feet, from 375 to 365.
    "It's starting to get a little bit difficult to recruit left-handed hitters," Van Horn said. "(It's) starting to get to the point where Division I baseball is becoming ...


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    Legislation could potentially shut down gun websites; Big Brother knows best… « Conservative Libertarian Outpost

    Yet another attempt to control the free flow of information. Or is it the legitimate government function of enforcing laws against theft..?

    I happen to agree with the principles involved, as far as theft of intellectual property goes. However, these laws, as proposed? No damned way period! Read on…

    By now, you are no doubt aware that several websites have either gone totally or partially "dark" today in protest of the pernicious internet legislation that will be coming to a vote next week.  Wikipedia and Google are just two of the websites which are protesting in this manner.

    And while you may have not paid much attention to this story, you need to know that the "muzzle the web" legislation these sites are protesting could also affect your ability to get gun-related information on websites like GOA's.

    The reason is that S. 968 could, in its final form, allow the Brady Campaign to partially shut down our GOA website and our organization (plus many other pro-gun websites) with a series of factually accurate, but legally frivolous complaints.

    The Senate bill and its House counterpart have accurately been called "a direct attack on the underpinnings of the web."